Yakama Nation Wildlife Resource Management Program

Yakama Nation Wildlife Resource Management Program

Tract D

Tract D Recreation Area CLOSED

Starting August 7, 2024 Tract D Recreation Area is closed due to nearby fire activity

Tract D area, as recognized by the Supreme Court decision of Klickitat County, Washington, et al., Petitioners V. Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, is within the jurisdiction of the Yakama Nation.

This ruling confirms that YN has full jurisdiction over big game hunting in perpetuity.
In this current hunting season, 2024-25, all non-Indians* and  non-members** are to follow WDFW big and small game hunting regulations.

Be advised that future changes to big and small game hunting regulations and seasons will commence in 2025-26. One General Hunting Permit will be issued by Yakama Nation Wildlife Resource Management Program (Wildlife) per hunter upon payment. Additional species tags and special hunts will be issued by Wildlife at a rate dependent upon species and hunt type.

For “Tract D” Recreational Information (Hiking, Camping, Fishing, etc.) Please Email: TribalForestry@yakama.com

For the time being, please refer to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for permits and access.

* Non-Indian: A person who is not an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian tribe.

** Non-member: A person who is not an enrolled member of the Confederated tribes and bands of the YN and who is not authorized to exercise treaty hunting rights under the treaty of June 9, 1855.